Time to start pruning
In so many ways we are like plants, we can bloom and we can die, but more importantly, both humans and plants require care and maintenance to grow.
One of the methods used to encourage healthy plant growth is Pruning. Pruning is strategically removing unnecessary parts of a plant or tree to encourage and attract healthy growth energy. Essentially, pruning in a timely manner is a necessary preparation for growth.
Pruning is a method that can also be applied to everyday life because there are things and people in our lives that not only do they not serve us, but they create a hindrance on our growth. Things come and go, people come and go, seasons come and go, and that’s part of life. The magical secret is to know how to effectively utilize your current season.
Because of the current pandemic, (COVID19) more people are at home and they are using the time to cleanse their house in everything in it, and that is amazing! But when we come out of this pandemic, we do not have to go back to the things that hold us back. if it does not serve us, it needs to go. We need to start pruning, here are a few ways we can start:
- Decrease and remove bad eating habits. We do not have to be vegan to be healthy, although if you are vegan, your body will thank you. Control your portions and swap out the junk. Changing your whole eating habit may be overwhelming at first, but if you cut out one or two things that can ultimately hurt your body (Soda, Sweets, Chips, etc.) and add a couple things that will serve you well (More greens, more whole wheat etc.), it may be an easier transition.
- Improve bad spending habits. I am entirely talking to myself here! I had to work on that area of my life and I asked my husband to hold me accountable on my spending. It was getting bad. We have been taught in this season we are in, how uncertain times can be, so it is imperative to learn how to make sane financial decisions. I start asking myself a few questions when buying non-essential items now, like: Do I need it? Will I use it before it goes on sale? Do I have something similar? Little by little I started abandoning a few carts. Aside from that, I do my best to support small businesses when I do make purchases so in the process of sanely spending, I am helping a small business owner.
- Cut out negative people. If you have people in your life that always try to put you down and downplay your dreams and passions, they do not need to be in your life. There is nothing wrong with a little tough love and constructive criticism, because these things point out the bad in you while helping you better yourself. But the so-called-friends that always think your ideas are too crazy, or belittle you any chance they get, need to get cut, and you can be politely honest about why the friendship has run its course. Maybe they can use that as an opportunity to work on themselves.
- Let go of unreliable relationships. That on again, off again situationship you’re in needs to stay OFF. Aim to be in a relationship that is quarantine proof. You have to ask yourself, if you have to be stuck with that person for any reason, can you rely on them. The truth is, every time you unplug and plug back into these relationships, you are burning meaningful energy that could be spent on something or someone better. If this is your season to be single, enjoy it, be better in it and make the best of it.
- Practice better Self-Care. That may mean something different to different people, I encourage you to figure it out for yourself and give it a try. Whether it is meditation, prayer, better skincare routine or a physical checkup, we all have room for improvement. Do not overwhelm yourself, do not compare yourself, start with one thing and do your best.
I’ve never had a green thumb but I love to admire beautiful gardens and flower assortments. I feel like it is a spiritual experience to be able to spend a little time in nature, taking in how colorful and intentional everything around you can be, while listening to the sound of birds or waterfalls, but it is even a greater spiritual experience to feel that grace, energy and growth within. Start pruning so you can start growing.
Stay highly meditated.
Self-control is Strength;
Right Though is Mastery;
Calmness is Power;
Peace, be still;
-James Allen
Kelly Dorizan
Love this article! These are great tips and these changes are much needed ❤️
yes honey, it’s growth season, the work gotta be done.
Amazing!!! I don’t think there is one out of those steps that I do not need to do lol
get to work sis! it’s totally worth it